First I just want to thank the whole UnderØath band and crew for being supportive of the station—it was great to meet these guys and really know that bands are also fans of the station. Going down to Asbury Park brought back a lot of great memories from when I was younger. Going to Convention Hall for the “Skate and Surf” three-day festival was great time for me, so it was a blast being able to return here. I got to the show about an hour early because we had set up a picture with the band UnderØath, which was amazing. During this time I was able to have a few words with the guys in the band and they all had the same idea about New Jersey—they loved it. Playing a show in Jersey is a whole different thing for most bands, and this tour featured two bands that happen to be from Florida, but love New Jersey. UnderØath came out on stage full of energy and in a way seemed like they had something to prove. With the departure of long time drummer and last original member, Aaron Gillespie, the band looked like they were giving all they had to please the Jersey kids. They did this without fail. The band played old and new songs, really had a great mix, even playing two songs off the new album that came out on November 9th. It really took the crowed by surprise to see that lead vocalist, Spencer Chamberlin, could take on all of the duties he had inherited, including the clean vocals. All the songs coupled together with a fantastic light show and a video montage of clips that seemed to be very random but just added to their amazing stage presence. UnderØath for some reason always leaves you wanting more at their shows, and this is not a bad thing at all. I would see UnderØath every day if this were possible; they never put on a bad show, and I have yet to hear a song I didn’t like. They are an amazing band and amazing people.
The headliner for the show was A Day to Remember, and this was their very first headlining tour. They had a huge stage with which to prove they earned this opportunity, and they didn’t disappoint. The band coming out and getting the crowd into it from beginning to end was a great sight to see. I remember seeing A Day to Remember years ago playing a small venue in north Jersey to a crowd that fell in love with them. Those fans gave their all, and so did the band. I think this could be a good reason why A Day to Remember loves playing in New Jersey and even named one of their songs off their “Homesick” album after New Jersey. The set included confetti blasters and the band members with huge smiles on their faces, as vocalist Jeremy McKinnon gave out huge thanks between every song, along with praise to the crowd for going all out nonstop during the set. When they slowed it down, you could see that the band really means every word of their songs, and lives by their messages. They also have a new album coming out named “What Separates Me From You” due on November 15th, and I cannot wait to pick it up after hearing a new song at the show. A Day to Remember is a very hard-working band, touring nonstop and always taking time to talk to fans, and still finding a way to put out great albums and amazing live shows. I can’t wait to see them again when they come to New Jersey.
All together this is an amazing tour, it was an amazing show and I highly suggest that everyone go out to see these bands and pick up their new albums. They have never let me down and I’m sure they won’t let you down either. Support local and live music and keep the New Jersey scene alive, because bands love coming here to play unforgettable shows. I’d also like to thank WSOU for making it possible for me to go to these shows.
- MoJo JoJo